
Installation using pip:

pip install django-hordak

or using django-sql-utils to use SubsquerySum to make quicker admin listings:

pip install django-hordak[subqueries]

Add to installed apps:



Hordak uses django-mptt to provide the account tree structure. It must therefore be listed in INSTALLED_APPS as shown above.

Before continuing, ensure the HORDAK_DECIMAL_PLACES and HORDAK_MAX_DIGITS settings are set as desired. Changing these values in future will require you to create your own custom database migration in order to update your schema (perhaps by using Django’s MIGRATION_MODULES setting). It is therefore best to be sure of these values now.

Once ready, run the migrations:

./ migrate

Using the interface

Hordak comes with a basic interface. The intention is that you will either build on it, or use a another interface. To get started with the example interface you can add the following to your

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('hordak.urls', namespace='hordak'))

You should then be able to create a user and start the development server (assuming you ran the migrations as detailed above):

# Create a user to login as
./ createsuperuser
# Start the development server
./ runserver

And now navigate to

Using the models

Hordak’s primary purpose is to provide a set of robust models with which you can model the core of a double entry accounting system. Having completed the above setup you should be able to import these models and put them to use.

from hordak.models import Account, Transaction, ...

You can find further details in the API documentation. You may also find the accounting for developers section useful.